Hi everyone! In the animation(right one) I took from a training video, ‘ik_foot_root’ moves in harmony with the steps. However, in the animation(left one) I made, ‘ik_foot_root’ remains constant. I think this prevented the ‘Stride Warping’ node from working properly. How can i solve this problem?
Hey @shu_tigin!
So to be able to figure this out, we’ll need to take a look at your code! Start with the event that eventually leads to your setting of the IK variable, and go all the way through to where it is used. There are different ways of setting up IK, so we need to know how you’re going about it to offer a solution!
Get back to us with video or screenshots (make sure we can read the nodes!) and we’ll take a closer look!
If I put an animation that works in ‘ik_foot_root’ with the steps, when I leave the ‘Stride Warping’ node with these settings, the walking animation works correctly. But I made my own animations using ‘Level Sequences’. When the animations were finished, I converted it to an ‘Animation Sequence’ by pressing the ‘Bake Animation Sequence’ option. When I examined these animation sequences in the ‘SK Mannequen’, I saw that the ‘ik_foot_roots’ remained motionless. I think the problem comes from here. May I need a ‘edit’ or ‘retarget’?
Ah, I think I see the problem.
Your custom animations aren’t animating the IK bones! You may have to edit it to use them.
Also I have seen something similar fixed in this video, give it a watch and follow along and see if you notice anything you may be able to implement!
Disclaimer: this link is not associated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners.
Thank you for sharing. After watching the video, I did some research and learned the following. If we open the new scene as ‘blank’, there is no ‘cr_mannequin’ in it. we must do this ourselves. If we open the scene in ‘thirdperson’ or ‘firstperson’, there is a ready ‘cr_mannequin’ and we can edit it as in the video. I can also work on a ‘third person’ scene, but here is another thing I need to learn; Why doesn’t ‘ik_foot_root’ move in sync with the steps in my animations? Is it necessary to make any adjustments at the ‘level sequence’ stage before baking?
I found a tutorial that you can watch after that general one above that uses new features introduced in 5.1 to match your IK bones to your actual bones! You’ll have to bake a new animation, but this will walk you right through how to retarget the IK bones for your animation fast!
Disclaimer: This link is not associated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners.
Thank you! I will watch this video as soon as possible. I created a solution like this. I created a ‘ThirdPerson’ scene from scratch. I moved the ‘CR_Mannequen_Body’ and ‘CR_Mannequen_BasicFootIK’ rigs in that scene to my own scene. I wrote an additional code in ‘CR_Mannequen_BasicFootIL’ (Things I saw in the previous video you shared). Finally, I placed the ‘Control Rig’ node in front of the ‘stride warping’ node. Problem solved.
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