I am using Two-bone IK node to move left arm of the character. But sometimes when character moves it’s arm is twitching, as shown on video.
How can I fix this?
I am using Two-bone IK node to move left arm of the character. But sometimes when character moves it’s arm is twitching, as shown on video.
Better animations?
Better understanding of the IK system?
Its hard to even tell there is a twitching with what you shared, or if you know what you are doing by the description of the problem…
Hey @UberhenriK, could you show how you are setting up your Two-bone IK system? it would make it easier to give you an answer
Yes, sorry, I gave not enough information.
Could be due to the joint location since you are using a fixed point
It could be as @MostHost_LA says and the problem is because your joint location is fixed. Maybe you could draw some debug spheres in the location of the effector and the joint target to see how these points behave
@MostHost_LA @kribbeck I checked, but it is definitely not the problem.
After some time, I came back to this problem and managed to actually fix it.
Now, instead of Two Bone IK and world space coordinates I Use FABRIK and Bone Space coordinates.
Now it works without any twitching!
Could you show me how to do that>?
I got the same problem T^T and i dont know how to fixx
Look here: