If you want to create environments of a AAA quality without having to create materials by yourself from scratch, take a look to my Advanced Master Material.

Trailer Video

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Hi there @Maniac-Design,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! :slight_smile:

The trailer is such a great demonstration for your project. It’s clear an incredible amount of time went into its creation. The ground moss and snowy environments are especially breathtaking.

What inspired you to make this? Personal use?

Thanks for sharing!! :smiley:

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Hi @PresumptivePanda , thanks !
Yes indeed I spent a lot of time, 11 months to be exact.
I took inspiration from The Last of Us Part II, analized the breakdowns and GDC, a lot of reflections and tests to achieve something similar in Unreal Engine.
I did this in order to create my own game in UE4, a survival game in a post-apocalyptic world where you fight against the alien invasion on earth. :slightly_smiling_face:

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