Hi all,
I’m upgrading a plugin for UE5, and since until 4.27 I was using SteamVR for controllers input, I would like to switch to OpenXR.
I tested the VR Template and everything works fine, and checking the VRPawn I saw how the enhanced inputs/ Mapping works.
I also notice that the inputs do work while in VR, but if I just hit Play in selected viewport ( so not in VR ) the inputs do not work at all.
Reason why I need this is that in my plugin I do use controllers and Vive Trackers, but I’m not using VR, since I’m using the controllers/trackers as tracking for a full body mocap setup.
So is there a way to have the input work when not using VR with OpenXR?
@VictorLerp I saw that you gave some informations here, but there’s no much information regarding the XR_MND_headless in 5.1
Can you please share some informations about this?
Seems like it’s enabled by launching with the -xrtrackingonly command line parameter. It doesn’t seem to properly enable tracking on motion controller components though.
While we did implement the extension, we’re still working on all of the features to make trackers and controller input work while in headless mode. Target is 5.2.
I’m currently running some Steam VR config settings to use index controllers without the headset. I instead connect the index controllers to vive tracker dongles. Does “headless” have anything to do with this? And if so, is there another method? : )
I’m having the darndest issue, where the only way to get the index controllers to work with this Steam VR config is the following:
I can add them with LiveLinkXR as a source and they do show up with the transform role and track fine, but no idea how to get controller button presses to work
If and only if I make an editor utility actor and set ReceiveEditorInput to true then push that input component to Enhanced Input then set my mapping context, the button presses and thumbstick work!
For the life of me I cannot get any buttons on the index to work otherwise
Also these two things only work when I launch the editor with the param -XRtrackingonly
Still not working in 5.3, I used to use SteamVR plugin, its working in headless mode, but the plugin is deprecated, now, I can only use controller in VR mode, but not in normal PIE mode.