IARC Ratings Coming Soon to Fortnite

Fortnite will start featuring internationally-recognized age and content ratings for all first and third-party playable content on November 14. All published islands will be required to have an IARC-assigned rating. The International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) rating system gives parents and players access to trusted and familiar ratings that help them make informed decisions about what and how they play.

Starting October 16, when you are ready to publish your island, you will fill out the IARC content rating questionnaire before publishing and submitting it to Epic Games. You will receive an age-based IARC rating for your island’s content along with region-specific ratings from IARC-participating rating authorities. These ratings will automatically be applied and prominently displayed prior to access.

The questionnaire will be available in the Creator Portal starting October 16.

Be sure to head to the portal and get assigned rating information for your islands. Unrated islands will be delisted on November 14. Make sure to complete the questionnaire ahead of that date!

Please check out the blog for more information regarding this new process.


We have to fill out this form for every sinlge version or just once per map?


do we have to re-published our already published islands for it not to get de-listed?

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Just once, and again if you make any changes that would impact the rating.


We’ll have an FAQ posted once the questionnaire goes live.


Does this mean in time we will have the ability to impliment more mature themes. Specifically blood or gore and things in Horror themed maps?


Very cool addition!
Does that allows us to include more things in our Maps? (Gore, etc…)
Or will it still be limited to a certain case?

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My bad, we posted aa minute from each other lol, ill put my question there when the time comes. Thanks Flak

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I have a few old maps that I can’t update anymore. When I publish an update (as I can still edit them) it goes on a new island code.

That means I cannot update the age rating on these maps and will probably lose them, even though they still have players regularly.

How could I fix that, who should I contact?

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Will it be possible for creators to fill out the IARC content rating questionnaire for already published islands without having to republish them? I’m asking because for my UEFN map called “ReeseHosgoodsINF467FinalProject” I used one of the public gaming computers in the makerspace at the college I attended to completely make and publish the map due to my only computer, which is a budget laptop, not meeting the minimum required specs to run UEFN. However, I don’t have access to that gaming computer anymore since I’ve graduated from college now. I do have the entire project folder backed up to my google drive though.
This is also why I haven’t changed the island thumbnail image to a version without my creator code stream overlay that’s in the bottom left corner of the current thumbnail, because that also requires republishing the island and I’m not sure if my budget laptop can handle that even though the island itself doesn’t have a ton of objects on it.

Question: Say I already did the form out with an age rating received to me but I’m republishing again due to an hiccup/fix on my island. Am I required to do the form again or I don’t need to?

Is anyone able to upload their map which contains custom audio? Mine is getting automatically rejected sighting IP infringement. I made the custom audio and I don’t know how to show that. Am I missing something?

Wanted to share a link to the IARC Guides - for USA and Global

I hope the information below is useful to those who are unfamiliar with IARC and what each rating mean.

[ARTICLE] IARC Info + Rating Guides (Global and USA) - EDC

Hope it helps :slight_smile: :+1:


I have multiple islands that I haven’t published any updates to since the launch of uefn back in April. Because of that I don’t have any private versions and can’t publish a new version as all of them are wip for uefn changes. Can I add a rating to them without publishing islands half finished?

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has anyone had there projects fail because you didn’t fill the question’s out right, i have had two fail, I dont’ understand why they are… I dont’ know if its cuz i am using my character in the thumbnail images or i am not putting the right answers down for this, help please.

I already had a project published with a rating of 12+ apart from russia that was 16+. I added the save device to my island and then republish and now its failed on content with in my island promotional image and video. None of it makes sense. Ive published with same image and video 3 times and fine. Add a save device and it fails. Its so confusing.

I dont understand what they want… my maps are normal nothing out of the blue, just free for all for buds, I had one that the rating was good put it still failed… lot of the question’s don’t make sense

what do you do if your map has failed how do u go about republishing

What i have done is add something or move things slight in uefn so i cant then republish and fill the ratings form in again and hope for best. Change the promotional image. I must have done so many times yet was approved before then suddenly its not allowed.