Helllo! So during the past few days I’ve built my first lego island experience.
Today when it was time to publish it, I asked around for some help with the iarc form for a pvp lego map.
I talked with multiple creators and took the answers that made sense and I also got the same ratings as all the other PVP lego maps already live and working.
Now my map has been denied twice for iarc, despite everything being alright.
I’ve made some small changes with some trackers and are under review for the third time now.
If that also gets denied, I dont dare to make another public code because I dont want to risk the status of my account.
Where should I turn to get help because its really wierd that I get denied for iarc when I have the same ratings as the maps that are published and working.
Im only using lego uefn assets + Player Spawner, Bounce Pad, Trackers, accolades. Not sure how I can even fail iarc review bacause of “content on your island”.
Please help.