I would like to know the difference in performance between a Niagara system with a parent emitter and a Niagara system without a parent emitter.

Hello. I would like to inquire about the Stella Blade FX production method at the 2024 Unreal Fest.

  1. I would like to know the difference in performance between a Niagara system with a parent emitter and a Niagara system without a parent emitter.
  2. I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to check the difference in performance.

    이미지 출처: 루리웹 스텔라 블레이드, 차세대 FX 이렇게 제작 | RULIWEB

The runtime performance is exactly the same. The parent emitter just provides a fixed template and default values for modules and renderers, but once the child emitter is compiled it’s no different from an emitter without a parent.

I understand the performance. Thank you for your kind reply.
I have additional questions regarding memory.

  1. I would like to know the difference in memory between a Niagara system with a parent emitter and a Niagara system without a parent emitter.
  2. I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to check the difference in memory.

Again, there is no difference at runtime.
You will see a small difference for the asset memory size on disk, but only on the editor side, not in a packaged game.