I want to steal...er pay homage to the Borderlands style in my film and need advice

The only topics I could find were a bit dated. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a good borderlands shader. Gearbox does not a cell shader for the outlines. It uses something called a sobel algorithm. Gearbox’s sobel also detects outlines in normal maps but I can draw those in. I’ve got an outline plugin that does the trick. But I’d like to get something stylized to look like borderlands in space with pretty purples and blues glowies and all that good stuff. Anyone have any ideas?

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The look is much more in the art, than it is in the shaders.

A Sobel filter calculates spatial difference – pixel-to-the-right minus pixel-to-the-left formula. You have to then map some kind of curve to that to get good shading out of it.

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