I want to make a game similar to save the world fortnite but don’t know where to start. Is there any tutorials on this? Also, I need to know if it needs C++
You can more or less create a whole game without C++, it will just be last optimised and might take more time in development for some features. Though, if you know programming or C++, I would recommend using both (you will always use blueprints but at the lower end, lets say almost like the front end of a web page).
For tutorials, just list all the features you need to create your games (and if you go into the details, that’s a lot of them!) then run through the UE4 tutorials (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Videos) you think are relative to what you need to achieve your project, they should give you the global leads.
On a per feature basis, you can just run through youtube tutorials and forums and you should be able to find everything to create a Save The World replicate.