I want to create my own melee attack class in UEFN

I don’t think the melee designer can be used in UEFN, but is there a way to create my own melee attack class in UEFN?

To create a melee attack class in Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN), you’ll need to follow several steps. Start by creating a new Blueprint class based on either the Character or Pawn class, depending on whether you need a full character or just a pawn. Then, design a separate Blueprint class for your melee weapon, incorporating a static mesh with appropriate collision components. In your character’s Blueprint, set up input actions for the melee attack, such as a specific key or button. Implement the attack logic in the event graph, including checking if the attack hits any targets and applying damage or effects. Integrate animations for the melee attack by creating an animation Blueprint that handles transitions between different states, and use animation montages for specific attack animations. After implementing the system, thoroughly test it in the editor, adjusting parameters like attack range and animation timings as needed. If your game is multiplayer, ensure the melee attack logic is properly replicated to maintain synchronization between the server and clients.

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Thank you for your response.
I would like to see a video explaining this procedure, but are there any videos or teaching materials?