I want to add component event in c++

Hi I’m converting Blueprint to c++ and i got Some problem.

In Blueprint, I could call component event in actor easley but in c++ I dont know how to call it.

how can i call component event in c++ Actor that owns it?

You should be able to call the component function directly from the component instance.

replace UmyComponent & AMyActor names accordingly.

In custom component

in .h

void MyCustomFunction(float passedParameter);

in .cpp

void UmyComponent::MyCustomFunction(float passedParameter){

in the header file of the actor you would need

class UmyComponent * myCustomComponent;

example for a hypothetical cpp file of the actor

#include "myActor.h"
#include "myComponent.h"

// constructor
myCustomComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UmyComponent>(TEXT("my componenet"));

// call function when needed
