I am using pawn sensing component to find player location but i doesnt work if the player is above them it works if the player is standing still but i implemented double jumps and wall running and if while doing this i get above them they stop following the player what should i do
It looks like this is a limitation in the Pawn Sensing. Just doing a test shows same behaviour for me. Doing my test with an AI Pawn that is moving below another Pawn. For my test, it is not the player pawn, so I disabled the “Only See Players” Flag - but that should not make any difference.
The problem is, that the “Peripheral Vision Angle” cannot be larger than 90 degrees. You may enter higher values here, but these seem to be ignored, at least if you watch the changes in viewport, the cone does not go beyond that 90 degrees half angle.
So once the your Player moves above the Sensing Pawn, when passing exactly below, it will get “behind” the AI Pawn, which has this limited perception.
So maybe in your case, other options might be better. Check for EQS (Environment Query System) for example.
Edit: I just found this [issue][2] which seems to describe that behaviour exactly, although it does not take into account, that the angle is meant to be as a half angle…
Thanks man