Running C:/UE_4.20/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/ue4Ar/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/TestProject/TestProject.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
WARNING: Exception while generating include data for UE4Editor: Visual Studio 2017 requires the Universal CRT to be installed.
Binding IntelliSense data… 0%@progress ‘Binding IntelliSense data…’ 50%
WARNING: Exception while generating include data for TestProjectEditor: Visual Studio 2017 requires the Universal CRT to be installed.
Binding IntelliSense data… 50%@progress ‘Binding IntelliSense data…’ 100%
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Visual Studio 2017 requires the Universal CRT to be installed.
Looks like you need to install the Universal C Runtime for Visual Studio 2017 before you can use it together with Unreal 4.20.
I have the same problem here, even though I’m 100% the U.C.RT is installed.
So, what I did was installing the entire Desktop Development with C++ workload. Also, I noticed that there was an individual Windows Universal CRT SDK added to the list. And it actually upgraded the projects flawlessly now!
I have the same exact error trying to open up a recent 4.19 project in 4.20. But trying to create a new project in 4.20 (side scroller template) worked fine for me.
I have the same issue when creating a new project in 4.20. As per my screenshot, the Universal CRT is installed and so is the SDK.
This worked for me! However I did notice when it was installing, it was installing Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0) maybe that component was missing or needed to be updated for some reason.
Just get the latest Windows 10 SDK and you’ll be fine.
Don’t work with the latest W10 SDK, but work with linux c++ dev.
Thanks ArtavazdNG256 !!
I tried this but somehow it is not working for me. I’m using UE4.25 and VS code 2019. I tried a bunch of stuffs later, but I feel what helped things working is following this doc: Setting Up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation
Thank you so much. It works really well. I am using UE4.25 and Visual studio 2019
This helped me. I have UE 4.21.2 and VS 2017.