I reported a bug through the bug submission form, I did get an email, and case number. BUT, it doesn't appear in the Latest Bugs list, is it lost?


I reported a bug through the bug submission form, I did get an email, and case number. BUT, it doesn’t appear in the Latest Bugs list, is it lost?

It’s a shame, I did it very nicely, with screenshots, example project, all the details I could think of written down… :slight_smile:

The email response had this title:

Case # 00370863: “Remote Control” list values received over OSC, ignore all values in list except the third. has been received

But when I search here https://issues.unrealengine.com/ I don’t find it - should I?

The case number is useless.

Most people who submit bugs never get a response or a tracking code, as it seems like only a small percentage of issues on the issue tracker are ever made public.

It’s really annoying to interface with as a user but this is how Epic handles submissions now I guess.

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Good to have heard! While an experienced dev I am new to Unreal, I was checking to see in case I should re-submit.
