I need to know what the set up for a basic game objective blueprint is?

Ok so I’m building a game with my team. I am not a programmer but I’m helping with some of the blueprints.
I’m trying to set up a pick up effect where the player collects a certain amount of pick up items which also registers a HUD score or inventory score that the looks like this " 8/9 or 9/9 you get the picture" and after collecting the right amount its supposed to trigger a open level effect where it switches to a different level and gameplay controller.
I’ve already set up the levels and I’ve even been able to create a pick up that also displays a string text like " you have collected 1 token ". and set up the blueprint so when the player collides with the object and it spawns an emitter which explodes and destroys the actor.

I’ve been through all of the unreal wiki’s, the YouTube videos to which there are no tutorials on how to set game objectives only game objective markers and trackers which is fine if I want the player to be able to track each objective but its the creation of the objective that I’m worried about.

if your answer is watch this video on understanding classes or look at the content examples or you need to isolate what you want into smaller controlled tasks. DO NO REPLY. because It won’t help me.

I need a step by step process that I can follow by first setting up the scoring system, HUD system connecting it to the pick up so that when you collect one pick up it registers the score, set a max amount of pick ups to be collected, a check in the game for when each pick up is collected it check the player or game to see if the target amount has been reached, A trigger effect that leads to an open level function.

This is what I need if you can’t answer this question they way I need it again please DO NOT REPLY. I need serious help not the run around. also don’t send me recommended links that lead to nothing or more documentation.

Thank You.

You saying that you set up actor detection if pick up item, insted of detecting that in item it self which i suspect you did, do it in player, check if item clides with player in player, make integer varable for item pickup count and when item colides with player add +1 to varable and destroy actor. In addition if you want to check if value reach specific value, do Branch affter adding +1 check if it’s equile or more then value oyu expecting if it is (true) then do something… like switching level :stuck_out_tongue:

Also insted of depending on how to do massive conept, learn what events do learn what factions do, learn how to check if something in specific value (learn how to use Branch and how to calculate bool), learn math in blueprint and then think logicl need to do for somethign specific to happen, thin of it like event and reaction to reaction to. Also learn how to make functions is useful too