I need to change my project to a different Unreal version

I have a project I created in UE5.3, but apparently, it needed to be made in 5.1.1, so I am hoping someone can help me convert the project. My only idea is to create a new project with the same name in 1.1.1 and then migrate all of my files from the other file.

Right-click on your .uproject file in the Windows Explorer, and select “Switch Unreal Engine Version…”. Select the engine version that you want.

Don’t forget backup before it.

Don’t forget backup before it.

I appreciate this. I did try this and when I did, it was missing basically all of my files. Any idea why that is or if I can fix it?

Downgrading is not supported, that might be the reason.

Is it possible to downgrade a project? There seems to be some bugs in 5.3, will they be fixed?

I could not understand this. How can it be missing? can you show me some screenshots?

In my experience, if binary files are not modified by the engine with a new version, a downgrade is possible. I did it sometimes. But, if my memory is correct, if binary files are modified, for example, you open some file with the engine with a new version and save it, when you try to downgrade, you would see some warning or error message.

So I don’t have screenshots, because my supervisor took pity on me and allowed me to use 5.3, but when I tried to convert, what happened was, it imported all of my folders, but all of the doors, the elevators, the buttons, the materials, etc… were no longer in the files.

assets made in newer version of UE wont show in older version. sorry

Ah. I misread what you wrote. If you make binary assets, like Blueprint, in a higher version of the engine, you can not open them with a lower version of the engine. If you make assets in a lower version engine, if you switch the engine version to high as how I said, and if you don’t open and save the binary asset in the project, you can return to the lower version again. But, if you open and save some binary assets from the project, Or, if you made them with the higher version at first, you can not use them with the lower version engine.

I appreciate the attempt to help in any case, and this at least puts my mind at ease knowing what is possible. Lesson learned!

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