3 of them are easy enough: diffuse is the base color, normal is obviously the normal, Ambient occlusion is self explanatory as well. you shouldnt need the displacement or at least i dont think so. and the others have to do with the interaction with light. where did you get the model? im guessing it wasnt optimized or ue4.
I purchased a model and got textures with it but cant seem to figure out what goes where. Anyone have any idea how i should do it?
Textures i have
Inputs i have
purple one goes into the normal pin - that makes it look 3d.
Ambient Occlusion map goes into the amient occlusion pin. - that makes it look more visible in the dark
diffuse texture goes into base color - that gives it color.
im assuming that backscatter map will go into roughness or metallic. Theres really a lot of ways you can customize it, but those too control how shiny and reflective it will be. (When you plug this one into something, use the red pin).
Ive never used displacement on a character or 3d model before, but to use that you have to click on the big note will base color, roughness metallic etc. on it, and you need to scroll down in the details panel to turn displacement on. You will multiply that texture by a big value and plug that into the displacement pin.
Another possibility is that its a height map used for bump offset (those are usually labeled as such though). In which case, you and plug it into a bump offset node and then plug the bump offset into the UVs pins on each of the textures. you can get really interesting results with it sometimes.
Bump Offset