Hi,I’m trying very to figure it out to animate timeline but i really don’t know what exactly blueprint scripting will be,So i have to ask someone who is very good in blueprint to help me.When my character jumped then it will rotate 90 degrees,It works perfectly on rightside(When i pressed D) but it doesn’t works on leftside(When i pressed A).
My character can move to left and right,Because i’m using blueprints from 2D sidescroller plattform.What i want is i want my character to rotate 90 degrees both on leftside and rightside,But it only can rotate 90 degrees on rightside.
How do i make a timeline work on leftside also ? Please give me some advice ^^"
Here is my blueprints please have a look
In this graph, your pawn will turn and at the same time will move toward that direction. If you want your pawn to first turn and then move, all you need is to add a retriggerable delay node before ‘AddLocalOffset’ node. The delay time should be calculated using the alpha (timeline output value) multiply by the timeline total length. Then you should compare the result with the direction and choose whether to subtract it from the total time length or just use it directly.
you haven’t set the rotation values inside the LERP node. (-90 and 90 for z rotation)
you must put 0 inside the Compare node.
detach the event tick to the last node. It’s wrong.
Just follow my graph. I have tried it and worked for me.
If you want an instant rotation, then you shouldn’t work with timeline. You need to have two ‘set world rotation’ nodes.
Your retrigerable delay node is not set correctly. Please remove it and first follow my graph. Leave delay for later corrections. Besides if you want to have an instance rotation, you don’t need delay node neither.
Hello Sertac Ogan
It works but that isn’t the way as i expected,When i pressed A it turns to leftside but my character isn’t keep animating as the right side does,It will restart animate again.What i mean is when my character jumps to rightside it will animate at 0 degree until 90 degrees,If my character rotate at 50 degrees on rightside then i want my character to keep animating at 50 degrees on leftside as well i don’t want my character to be restarted animate again.
If i will try to use comparefloat blueprint will it works ? (i’m sorry for my english)
Thank you.
It still not works.,I want my character anime like 2D sidescroller project if a character turns left side then it will animate opposite of right side like Comparefloat blueprint ,Sorry for disturbing you thank you very mush.
Isn’t working and not even rotate,I actually want my character to flap like tappy bird please take a look on this link Tappy Chicken: BP & Art Discussion | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine - YouTube my character can rotate as tappy bird does,I now just want my character can flap on the left side as well.Cloud you please help me ? because i’m still don’t know a lots about blueprints thank you.