Hello Everyone. Help with UE5 online games
I am 41 years old. Game design has always been a dream of mine. I am an architect and design my houses on 3d software includin Archicad, Autocad 3dsmax and inventor. I also sell 3d models on turbosquid and cgtrader.
For the past few years i have been playing with unreal editor and it is easy to create a game. Most blueprints i understand for the game design and making a game. I have learned a lot through Udemy coarses and also youtube.
TopDownClean Preview NetMode Standalone 64 bit SM5 2022 08 12 20 55 17 - YouTubeMy Game Video
I am busy with a game that i want to make multiplayer battle royale and stand alone missions. It is a fortnite type game. See the video attached, that is just the test level where i test all the codes and models to see if it is not too much resource hungry. After every few changes, i build to mobile and test it on the phone to see that it keeps running smooth.
Now my next part is to make it multi player online.
I do not know where to begin.
Do i need to get a domain to serve as a server and have players connect through google?
What is Epic services and how do i Implement it in my game?
Is epic services like a server where i upload the server file and everyone connects there?
I am busy with a coarse that i bought on Udemy, but that coarse uses steam to create the online part. So i don’t know what else.
I have done a lot of research regarding this topic, but i do not understand a thing that i read. I need someone who can tell me in simple english and sort of mansplaining it to me
Anyways, I hope there is someone who can guide me a bit and i will also share my project files with a person if they can help me get the game that you can play on android and pc online.
Thanks for taking the time to read and please watch the video. any feedback is appreciated regarding the gameplay. I have done everything myself including the animation blueprints and blendspaces.