I Need Help with Pawn Options In Character BP, Screanshot Available.

I’m using
[Steam][2] & [Door Travel][3]

I’m testing in both way:
1- Same PC
2- Two PC’s with Two Different Networks

in same pc i can join with 2 windows until Credit Level until here everything good, but the first player who will use the door the other player will travel with first player without using the door.

NOTE: each Level with different character BP and GameMode BP, but all of them Childs from Main BP.
and when I make all Posses Player0 in all levels when second player join the Credit Level the first Player Freeze.

Exactly same thing if I’ll test it in 2 PC’c with different networks.

Hi KingOfSapiens

If I am understanding correctly, you want two players in different levels on the same server?
The server can only load one level at a time, so as soon as one client triggers level travel on the server, all clients will travel as well.

The only way to go around this is by using sublevels. This way you can teleport individual characters to levels instead of triggering a full-level load on the server.

Hope this helps


That actually release my anger little bit, Thanks to your finger when it clicks on my question to answer it.

1-What is the correct choices for Pawn Options in Character BP?

2-When first player travel all clients will travel too!! Thats really bad thing, ok after all clients travel the will be in different servers I cant see both characters in same level.

I hope your finger will click again!!

I would look in to streaming levels. You can stream a map in at distance (I think vertically aswell) and simply move your player to that location. Hope this helps

I don’t have any streaming issues mate, I’m talking about traveling/portals, but Alex said when first player trigger the portal all other players will travel too, 2nd thing my issue with Pawn Options in Character BP. (What is the correct choices) if my project setting whats on the photo I attache it steamwithtravel.jpg

OK so I think your trying to do an old fashion player 1 and 2 is on the grass lands and player 2 walks in to pub and loads into that map while player 1 is still on the grass lands. Then player 1 walks in or player 2 walks out and everything just keeps working.

If this is a close enough analogy then I would look at manually streaming in the inside pub map and teleporting the player to the location you streamed that map to.

You can achieve the same results a few ways but this is I think the most simple

I get it now, what do you mean here by streaming so its related things with my thing, I’ll give it a try 2moro early morning…

if you using world composition then even simpler is add them out side normal map space and then just move them there. You will have to be inside world bounds or things get funky. I tend to put building internals under the landscape in the same sub map so the movement is minimal. This will mean each sub maps geometry/polycount/drawcalls are increased so think about culling or manuly streaming them in under the landscape.

1-What is the correct choices for Pawn
Options in Character BP?

I am not entirely sure what you mean by this in the context of the problem. You can use events / functions within the Character/Pawn class to trigger loading a new level, providing the logic is executed server side.

2-When first player travel all clients
will travel too!! Thats really bad
thing, ok after all clients travel the
will be in different servers I cant
see both characters in same level.

“That’s really a bad thing”.

It’s not a bad thing, it’s how Unreals architecture works. The server controls the rules for the clients. When the server loads a level, it loads a GameMode and GameState which controls the rules for the level which then feeds that information back to the connected clients. You should know that only ONE GameMode can be loaded at a time. Thus you can not have different clients in different levels who are connected to the same server.

Like some of the other comments and myself have suggested, you can do some trickery with sublevels / level streaming. Essentially have multiple maps loaded within one giant map. This way you won’t need to travel at all. Although you will have to deal with other issues such as draw count, heavy memory usage etc so make sure you have a strong lodding system. You can also dynamically load and unload sublevels at runtime, so you can ensure any levels which are being used are not costing any performance.

Good luck


I make all possess Disable and Place in World. the main BP and all child’s. so its working now.
But how to deal with travel , I don’t want all other players to travel when first player trigger the portal.
because what I see, the players not in the same server and I’m using advance steam session.
my steam BP’s inside GameInstance, so why when travel happen to get to different servers.
do I need to add something?

You don’t need to travel just do a set actor location. Your nolonger moving servers or doing anything clever you are just moving the player character to a new location in the map they already exist in

I make all possess Disable and Place in World. the main BP and all child’s. so its working now. But how to deal with travel , I don’t want all other players to travel when first player trigger the portal. because what I see, the players not in the same server and I’m using advance steam session. my steam BP’s inside GameInstance, so why when travel happen to get to different servers. do I need to add something?

On that over lap event stream in level
at location and then move the player
with set location.

which over lap you mean, bp node or class setting? I don’t have any BP’s in any levels yet.

So you want to load or stream the
level into your currently open
level(persistent) on the server then
the client should load it and then the
server should set that players

tell me please how to do that, do you have any BP’s for that?

do you have a youtube channel ?

so if i will set actor location, what the event or object on map level that will let the player to trigger the travel thing. and my credit level really important I cant make [game play level] under [credit level], Credit Level for developers/designers who gonna help me Free/Quick Support. its gonna be something decent and unique before joining a real game.

anyway, as I said everything is working good. But when travel happen players gets in to different servers

I need a [Doors Portal Theme] that’s to let a player getting inside different doors and each door will take the player to different {persistent level with sub levels}.

Just use a trigger or BP with collisions box upon overlap check the overlap is player then create a widget with whatever you want displayed between locations. while this is on the screen set controller to ui only so the player has no control then move the player to the location and remove the widget then give them back control. The way you were origanly think is not something you can do in ue using its streaming systems

Thats actually the door portal, it’s a collision box without overlap and without getting player controller, the player controller on Event Begin Play in game Instance, and i’m letting players to travel without widgets or loading screen.
here is the door BP. and destination its ENUM

should I do some replications for the door !

I will reiterate that will not work for multiplayer. And is using systems not designed for that use.

You will not get this to work without loosing information between maps.

On that over lap event stream in level at location and then move the player with set location.

The reason your system won’t open level node will cause the client to be its own host and lose all info that was held on server ie your game will break.

What you need to understand Is the clients do not and should not be doing things. Anythings other than sending inputs(or calculated inputs) and displaying data held on the server. If this is not true then things will not be in sync.

So you want to load or stream the level into your currently open level(persistent) on the server then the client should load it and then the server should set that players location. This way all players are connected to the same server and all know where each other are. Also when you see people saying player think about the controller not the pawn it controls.

Lol no YouTube channel but I’ll send some pics of the nodes when I’m I front of my machine

It’s not a bad thing, it’s how Unreals
architecture works.

they need to change this for us as users, so how ATLAS GAME they have 255 grids, and each grid = whole world map of sea of thieves, but last world update in ATLAS they reduce the grids size and also I notice sea of thieves they reduce the world size too. Anyway, in ATLAS 1 grid = one full persistent level as I know, and sailing to other grid that mean traveling to another persistent level, so each player can sail/travel to another grid/persistent level or fast travel between beds without all clients travel. [ correct me if i’m wrong, please]

This way you won’t need to travel at
all. Although you will have to deal
with other issues such as draw count,
heavy memory usage etc so make sure
you have a strong lodding system. You
can also dynamically load and unload
sublevels at runtime, so you can
ensure any levels which are being used
are not costing any performance.

this point scared me, I hope I will never give up! Thanks for Good Luck’ing me, Keep It Up!