Hi everybody!
I’m fairly new in UE4 and I really need your help!
Basically, I’m working on my master dgree in numeric art and I deceided to use UE4 to present my environment in VR. I won’t tell you all the details here because I would need around 40 pages! XD
So, to make it simple, my subject is about 3D environment as a narative element in VR.
My problem here is that I really need to fly! But not exactly as you think…
I’m able to make the character levitate… That’s a good start. The problem is that, when he releases the levitate button, I want him to fall back to the ground and this is the main problem.
To give you a better idea of wat I want to do, here is an example.
Let say I make a game about Peter Pan or Superman or somethings in this category. I don’t like the idea of teleporting (considering I want to let the viewer exploring the environment). So I would give him the opportunity to fly. So, when you press the center bouton of the Vive Controller, instead of teleporting you, it will make you fly in the direction of the controller. When you release the bouton, I would like that the viewer start falling up to the moment he hits the ground. Then, if he was not too high, he survive, but if he was very high… well, he dies and respawn somewhere.
Up to now, I’ve got two problems :
- How to make the character fly (and not only levitate*).
- How to make him fall when he stops flying.
*When I say levitate, it is simple that I can make him go up, but not moving around)
Please, help me, I’m really struggling with this one! :-S