I just Launch my Second Mobile Game

Embark on the Ultimate Adventure with ParaBall 2!

Get ready for a thrilling journey of puzzles, exploration, and epic battles. Face off against alien bosses as you navigate through stunning, immersive worlds in ParaBall 2: Ultimate Adventure.

Download Now: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DevGamesRo.ParaBall2&pcampaignid=web_share

The adventure—and the challenge—awaits!

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Hi there @B3b3L,

Welcome back to the Unreal Engine forums! Hope you’ve been well :slight_smile:

First, I want to say the music in the trailer made my dog get up and dance. So already winning in that category. Secondly, the game itself looks rad from what I can see. How long have you been working on it and what all have you improved since ParaBall 1?