I have both VS versions installed on my PC. I can generate UE4 2017 solution by simply using the command prompt like this “GenerateProjectFiles.bat - 2017”.
I can successfully build UE4.sln using 2017 now.
However when I try to create a C++ project using this engine or I try to do right click and generate VS files, my solution projects looks like this :
What happens now is if I try to build, it is going to rebuild the engine with 2015 that is not what I want. How can I make the VS2017 as the default MS build environment without uninstalling VS2015 ?
I know it must be default MS build path issue, but some help and pointers in direction would be helpful.
I looked at what it was doing when I run .uproject file.
So instead of this
D:/GitHub/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“F:/UE4-OffsetTurretRotation/TurretRotation.uproject” -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
I changed it to this:
D:/GitHub/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -2017 -projectfiles -project=“F:/UE4-OffsetTurretRotation/TurretRotation.uproject” -game -engine -progress
I did this on VS 2017 command prompt manually, I still don’t know to get it done automatically.