I have number of players = 2, I press 'Standalone' and ONE window pops up


Hi…again lol

So when testing multiplayer, I need to use ‘standalone’ instead of PIE. Cool…

Only one window pops up when I do so.
How am I meant to test session searches and creation in standalone when I only have one window ie one player?

All I am trying to do is with the advanced sessions plugin:
-Create a session in on one player(which works)
-Find sessions on another player (I don’t have the window to do so)

When I first started using the plugin around a year back it worked fine and did so every-time I used it.
So I started to learn how to do it myself in c++, and got pretty far. It basically was the same but had no BP implementations. Then recently I come across this problem I wrote above…so I decided to use the plugin to see if it was my code. But the plugin does the same…

so what is so different now that makes this happen?
It’s so frustrating.

-It’s a fresh project, with just a HUD added to the screen via the PlayerController on BeginPlay();
-Them HUD’s have two buttons, one starts a server and one finds servers.
-Steam overlay pops up and is configured properly.

Thanks for any suggestions :slight_smile:


I switched to the normal session find and create to make it easier.
Now it’s basically an empty project with this being fired.

The found sessions array is 0 in PIE.
I can’t test it in standalone.

Hello indivelope,

you have to configure the play settings, in order to use the Multiplayer test feature with the standalone play mode. Inside the Editor Preferences (under the ‘Edit’ menu), navigate to the Level Editor - Play settings, under those you should find the ‘Multiplayer Options’ group. Part of that group is the ‘Use Single Process’ flag, uncheck it and change the ‘Editor Play Mode’ setting, which should appear under said flag, and change it to something else than ‘Play Offline’.
The multiplayer testing should work with the standalone mode now.

Important to note: you’re changing the Editor Preferences so I recommend a backup of the old settings, as those settings are shared on a engine level basis (each project with the same engine version).

Hope that helps. Just let me know if you need further assistance.



Hello Vecherka, thanks for the reply.

After trying all three this is what I get:

PlayAsListenServer -

•Two windows, both can start sessions and ‘Open Level’ with ?listen

•Both windows return 0 results after one creating a session and the other searching.

PlayAsListenClient -

•Identical to PlayAsListenServer.

PlayStandaloneWithServer - Using ?bIsLanMatch=1?listen

•Loads one window into the lobby

•Loads the second window with the current loaded level (Home Level)

•The second window returns 0 after trying to search for the server. (searching LAN)

•I tried searching non LAN, using ?Listen and ?listen and still 0.

Okay so I figured something weird. I check AutoConnectToServer directly on the lobby map, and both players join. Then when the client clicks a button to go back home and refresh servers, the server I came from isn’t even there…or it still shows up 0 servers after FindSessions.