I have a widget problem in VR when the player moves in the physical space.

Hi all,

In VR I have an issue when the player starts moving around a physical space some of the widget components do not move unless I attach them to the Camera which I dont want because they are buttons or menu’s which does not look or feel good when you want to read or interact with them.

Is there a way to move widget components with the player physically but maybe constrain it to one axis (I tried the constrain option in the details panel with no success).

Any help would be dearly apprecieated


There isn’t any built-in method. You would have to manually calculate and update the widget position every frame.

Note that it’s tricky to implement a good interactive UI that moves with the player. Alternatives to it could be widgets that the player can move manually, or ones that attach to the other hand.

Hi @Rectus_SA I feared as much, I guess testing and feedback will be best to find the most user friendly of my options for what i’m doing.

Thanks for the clarification, much appreciated.