Gameplay capability spec.h(289): [C4430] no format specifier. Let’s assume int. Note: C++ does not support default int.
Gameplay capability specification: [C2535] ‘FGamePlayabilitySpec::FGameplayAbilitySpec(void)’: A member function has already been defined or declared.
Gameplay capability specification: [C2061] Syntax error: identifier ‘_resharper_unknow_type’
In my own testing, I found that if I checked GameAbilites in the plugin, restarted, generated C++, and then compiled or ran it in the IDE, I would get that error.
After testing in several ways, I found that if I checked GameAbilites, restarted, turned off the editor, and then ran it in the IDE, it worked fine.
And if I created the AbilitySystemComponent and ran it in the IDE, I got that error. So I deleted the AbilitySystemComponent.h and AbilitySystemComponent.cpp files from the IDE directory and ran it again in the IDE and it worked fine.
That’s all the information I got.