i got 200-250 fps in unreal engine 5.3 but editor is lagging

i have rtx 4060 and i5 13. gen cpu laptop. i dont have any fps issue but when i try to open or click something in editor the fps drops to 5-10 fps. for example when i open content drawner the fps drop to 5-10 fps for 2 second and then it recovers by itself. Whats the problem?

Greetings @axly0

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! I have a similar rig and usually don’t have any problems. Some projects that have a lot of assets can cause me to freeze for a couple of seconds when first brining up the Content Browser, though. It could just be from loading assets if it’s only for a couple of seconds. UE is a very powerful engine with a lot of data at times. Large projects can have thousands and thousands of assets loading at once while unoptimized. I would recommend going into Options on your Content Browser and go down and uncheck ‘Real-Time Thumbnails’. Once that’s unchecked, try it again and see if the issue continues. That’s helped me in the past on a few occasions. I hope this helps!

The problem isnt my project. i opened a new empty project, but the problem persists. for example when the tabs in the screenshot I added are opened or when i open the content browser, the fps drops to 5-10 fps. i try disable real time thumbnails but it didnt work.

A few things I’d look at: Task Manager first. Check and see the usage for your different applications, ram usage, GPU, and CPU. See what the numbers look like while you’re opening the menus that are dropping the FPS. We’ll need to see where the problem is coming from(Which component is bottlenecking or if it’s something software related). I’d also check and see if the issue happens on other versions. If not, I’d uninstall and reinstall 5.3 UE completely and then test again.

i look task manager now. there is no significant change when i opened a content browser or etc. the 4.27 version just work fine. last night i tried the uninstall and reinstall but it didnt work. my laptop have mux switch. i switch it to run only the rtx 4060 and not with the intel xe. it work a little bit. now when i opened content browser or something i got 20-25 fps not 5-10. but its still unworkabile.

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-12-17 092056

its lags too when message log or similar tab open

Hm, I see. What are your full system specifications? (Specific CPU, amount of RAM/memory/etc)

sorry for late respond. here are my specs

HP Victus 16

CPU: intel i5 13500H
GPU: RTX 4060 8GB
RAM: 2X8 GB DDR5 4800mhz
SSD: 512 GB M2

the issue still going. i tried 5.2 and 5.1 and it didnt work as well. i dont know what to do

Is this only on a specific project or does it happen even on blank projects?

even on new blank project.

Two questions:

  1. Do you have any plugins or anything of that nature enabled for UE5?

  2. Do you run any background software such as antivirus etc?

(I’d also recommend checking out the information/steps on This Post

1- no i dont have any plugins.
2-doesnt matter if it’s running in the background or not, i tried both scenarios. it didnt work.

i checked this post and downgraded to directx 11. now the ui works at up to 30 fps, not 10. but the problem still persists.

I see. This may sound like an odd question. But, assuming that you’re running Windows, do you have Windows taskbar auto-hide enabled?

yes, i actually enabled this. now i tried turning off the setting but it didn’t work. i also changed default RHI for windows to vulkan and it work fine. when its default or directx 12 it lagging again.

The PC specs look great, you’ve experienced it on multiple version, and it’s only happening in the menus? Also, you mentioned you’re positive that you have no type of software, anti-virus, etc running in the background?

yes it happens in every version of ue5. only when i move the mouse over the menus, the fps drops to 10-15. when i change the RHI option for windows to vulkan or directx 11 from the project settings, it works. Directx 12 is causing problems. While my friend was using Diretcx 12, the program was constantly freezing and giving errors. and then also my friend switched to vulkan and the problem was solved. i think ue5 causes problems with directx 12.

I would consider sending a report in to the development team for a bug. This could be something that they’re aware of already. But, I can definitely understand wanting it to work with DirectX 12 rather than Vulkan or older versions of DirectX. Here’s a link to do so: Report a Bug - Unreal Engine. I will check some other sources and see if I can find any other possible solutions to this as well. I’ll respond back here with any findings.

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