I get timeout every time I try to launch a session on one specific island


I get timeout every time I try to launch a session on one specific island, it doesn’t matchmake me into session due to this

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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This bug only is on one of my islands so I’m not sure

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I have the same issue, it started in V33.00.
It works the first time and then I get this error everytime I try to launch session for the next 16 ish hours.

Ending game also causes “editor is not connected” so I only get one test per day. Create private code also does not work for me. Does it work for you?

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Let me know if you’ll find any fixes

HI @SubtoC4CTUS ,

In the log is the line

Error: ProjectSizeRequest: : CancelFlow for f45e4138-44ec-97f3-9c76-3590108e41c5 - Content (re)cook error errors. com. epicgames. cookplugin. assetvalidationerror.

assetvalidationerror = asset validation error

Therefore use the
Validation and Fix-Up Tool | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

Look for changed/failed assets in the logs

Also, look at this thread to determine which asset is causing the problem
Asset Validation Issues - Issues and Bug Reporting / UEFN Validation

This is trying to find the project size

Try and use UEFN Memory calculator , before trying to log the session

I wonder if this could be the issue - when clicking build landscape I get 10000+ errors of that static mesh has null static mesh property, also how could I fix it without replacing every actor manually?

hi ,
No idea how this is fixed, but its the error that is causing the project to fail

I assume this is due to that epic brought back ch 2 a month ago and updated assets, because before that season, map launched perfectly

those yellow warnings in the Build Landscape are normal and can be ignored, do a Build Landscape again and use the SHOW button on the bottom of the window to deselect the warnings, see if you get any red errors.