I found an error in TMultiMap -> MultiFindPointer

Inside MultiFindPointer (Map.h line 1009) (commit 641c5a10bec343c5ab84150d2ee67e6c81750b80)

		new(OrderedValues) const ValueType*(OutValues(Index)); 

should be

		new(OrderedValues) const ValueType*(OutValues[Index]); 

I have also a question about the usage of placement new here … I’m a bit confused because I don’t use that much the placement new but I see there is no any offset in OrderedValues so it should be always overwriting the @OrderedValues. I guess there is some overloading trickery involved here…

Hi Dredok,

This error was caught and corrected just a few days ago.

For your question about the new operator, it is being overloaded. The TArray class overloads the new operator to allow memory to be dynamically reallocated for the TArray if it is necessary.