I found a bug about "SimpleMovetoLocation" in Top-Down Project,version 5.1.1

1.In Top-down Project,there is an Inputactionbind using SimpleMoveToLocaiton.

void AGodSimInputPlayerController::OnSetDestinationReleased()
	// If it was a short press
	if (FollowTime <= ShortPressThreshold)
		// We move there and spawn some particles
		UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::SimpleMoveToLocation(this, CachedDestination);
		UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAtLocation(this, FXCursor, CachedDestination, FRotator::ZeroRotator, FVector(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), true, true, ENCPoolMethod::None, true);

	FollowTime = 0.f;
  1. When I use “SimpleMovetoLocation” in the way,like it showing in the picture.it’s just not woking.

3.But when I use the “SimpleMovetoLocation” like this.

  1. I can’t figure it out.Is it a bug,or samething like that?

Your “cast” node needs an execute pin input.

Do you mean the cast in the pic1(in Step2), that’s what i wanted.To show the directly calling of “SimpleMoveToLoc” does’t work well.

In pic2,i cast it to parent class which is writen in C++, and then the function calling of “SimMoveToLoc” works,which makes me confusing.

Here is the video about the differences .I take the video by win10 video capture, I dont know how to take video on different windons,so the Blueprint operate,didn’t recorded.

14s-23s,shows after the cast to C++ class,works well.(Bluepint Pic2)
30s-46s,shows directly connecting to “SimpleMovetoLocation” function,doesn’t work.(In Pic1)

In picture 1, nothing is executing the cast operation.
Thus, simple move to location will receive NULL.

My stupied…, thanks a lot, jwatte.

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