I don’t know how to organise the teams in the island setting.
I want to assign each person to a team in the island setting, but after a lot of research I can’t find the right answer.
Let’s say the maximum number of players is eight.
Set the team index to 8.
I don’t really understand the last team size setting.
I don’t understand the difference between dynamic and equal division.
For example, if the number of players in a game is 5, what difference does it make if you set the game to dynamic or evenly split?
I imagine that in the dynamic case, all five participants would be randomly assigned to different teams (randomly between team 1 and team 8).
In contrast, in the evenly split case, I imagine that the number of participants in the teams will be equally divided, so that team 1 will have two participants, team 2 will have two participants, and team 3 will have one participant.
Is this idea of dynamic and equal division correct?
To be honest, I’m struggling to understand the difference between dynamic and evenly split.
Thanks for telling me.
I am now using the test player to see if the game I made works!
It’s not going so well, but it’s thanks to the test player that I realised it wasn’t working!
I’m going to try more things to make it work, so thank you very much anyway!
I will always be grateful for this forum!
The split evenly option allows the game to automatically assign teams, which takes it out of your control.
The dynamic option allows you to have non split and lets you have control over the teams.
Sometimes with dynamic teams its good to have a team thats just for the lobby, so if you want 8 teams in game, use 9 teams and have team 9 at the lobby.
The problem then is putting players into team 9 when they first spawn into lobby, because I think..not sure…but players will first spawn in as team 1 when its set to dynamic.
With split settings the first player spawning in goes to team 1 and the game automatically spawns the next player arriving into the next available team slot.
I feel this is a little funny so I made a game using team 1 as the lobby team and teams 2-9 in game.
I’m not even sure it works as it should though… the map functions and players are doing stuff according to the analytics device.
But I don’t fully understand it, still full of guesses and assumptions, getting functional only from trial and error…
Thanks for bringing up the Multiplayer Preview Mineblo, I didn’t realise it existed, that will help immensly
Thank you! I’ve been testing dynamic and evenly split team assignments using multiplayer preview, but there are still many things I don’t understand! But really, it’s all about trial and error when creating things, right? And that’s what makes it fun!
I never thought about the idea that players might initially be assigned to Team 1 in dynamic mode, so now I want to try making a game where players first enter a lobby before being assigned to teams.
Dynamic and evenly split settings are tricky, but I really appreciate your advice! Thanks to today’s discussion, I’ve gained new knowledge, and that makes me really happy! Thank you so much!
I was able to successfully complete my game using the Multiplayer Preview! Thank you so much! I’m really happy to have learned about such a great feature!
Also, being able to test unsuccessful methods repeatedly with test players is a great learning experience. Thank you for introducing me to this feature!