Here is the error message [link text][1]
129620-unreal+error.txt (42.7 KB)
Here is the error message [link text][1]
129620-unreal+error.txt (42.7 KB)
Got a new message this time when i tried to package [link text][1]
129621-unreal+error_2.txt (69.4 KB)
Hi Chippred ,
Please see UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: No modules found to build. All requested binaries were already part of the installed engine data - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums for the solution to the second log you provided.
The first log failed due to LogPluginManager:Error: This project requires the 'HGGifImporter' plugin. Install it and try again, or remove it from the project's required plugin list.
followed the “You can open your exe project with notepad and disable all plugins, putting as false. Worked for me.” tip, now i cant even open the project because unreal thinks it was made in another verion and i cant rebuild it to the 4.14 update
tried the first one also "Hey Fagmario, I figured it out I have to Create a New C++ class so the plugin I was using could transfer over.
File > New C++ Class > None"
it does not pop up any log, the only message i get is the two pictures i uploaded
this is kind of frustrating, but here is a screen shot of teh message i get when trying to start my project
Please attach the log from trying to open the project.
no solutions?
Create a C++ class as ‘none’ and it should resolve your issue. The reason this is occurring is because you cannot build Blueprint binaries from a Launcher (Binary) Editor. You can only build C++ projects. You can build BP binaries from a source version of the editor (GitHub).
hey! i did this allready
but if you could try to help me with the new problem that came up it would be nice!
it is written in this thread in my comment on the other answere
I’d be more than happy to help you however, when you have another issue that’s not the same as the one you originally posted, you must post a new thread. Let me know once you’ve done that, and provide the link - thanks!
here is the link