I cant start my project

i cant start my unreal project at all :confused:


i try to rebuild the project, but the i get this message


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This happens when there is a compile error in your source code. Take a look in the logs to figure out where the error occurs.

You can find the visual studio project file in your project directory, you also may need to regenerate them if you messed something up in your code, right click on the .uproject file, there you can find the option for “Generate Visual Studio project files”

hey, okey i tried the generate visual studio thing, and got this message, now im guessing that i need to open the project with notepad and write something :S

"Running Z:/programmer/Epic Games/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject6 4.14/MyProject6.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: UnrealBuildTool.JsonParseException: Missing or invalid ‘Enabled’ field (in C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject6 4.14\MyProject6.uproject)
ved UnrealBuildTool.ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(String FileName)
ved UnrealBuildTool.RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(FileReference ProjectFileName)
ved UnrealBuildTool.ProjectFileGenerator.AddProjectsForAllTargets(List1 AllGames, ProjectFile& EngineProject, Dictionary2& GameProjects, Dictionary2& ProgramProjects, HashSet1& TemplateGameProjects)
ved UnrealBuildTool.ProjectFileGenerator.GenerateProjectFiles(String[] Arguments)
ved UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.DoPostStartupStuffThatCanAccessConfigs(String[] Arguments)


Could you please upload the full error output log?

it doesnt pup up any output log. the closest thing that i have come to a output log is when i tried to generate visual studio project files [link text][1]

130374-generating+visual+studio.txt (1015 Bytes)

Try delete the Intermediate folder, maybe even the Binaries and the Saved folder too.

If that doesnt help you could try removing or renaming the Source folder and start your project without code files. Then add a new C++ so Unreal creates new Project Files. If that works you could manually add you old source files to the project.

i’ll make a backup and try this

did not work :confused:

Have you tried creating an new project, if that doesnt work either something is broke with your unreal installation.

If creating a new project works, than you could copy everything from your old, broken, project over to the new one.

UnrealBuildTool Exception: UnrealBuildTool.JsonParseException: Missing or invalid ‘Enabled’ field (in C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject6 4.14\MyProject6.uproject)

You have a missing or corrupted file. You’re going to either have to reverify your binary version of the engine, or recompile your source version.

it worked

Create a new project and then transferred all the files to the new project worked well :slight_smile: thanks @SteffM

To follow this up and add what I just discovered. It appears between 5.3 and 5.4 some stuff changed in the build.cs file. I diffed a new build.cs from lyra with my old one and there was 2 small changes.

Line 28 from “Target.DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V3;” to “Target.DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V5;”
Line 248 from “catch (JsonParseException ParseException)” to “catch (Exception ParseException)”

I made those updates and it fixed my project that was based on Lyra