No fue posible abrir el proyecto
C:/Users/joseb/OneDrive/Documentos/Fortnite Projects/FIve/FIve.uefnproject
No se pudo cargar un complemento de características de juego
C:/Users/joseb/OneDrive/Documentos/Fortnite Projects/FIve/Plugins/FIve/FIve.uplugin
Failure, ErrorCode=GameFeaturePlugin.StateMachine.Registering.Plugin_Missing_GameFeatureData, OptionalErrorText=
I did it and now I have this problem and I get now that several elements refer to X thing that I don’t know what it is and that the GameFeatureData refers to this new project.
@Joshy_Andoni this error message is due to your project failing moderation. We are working on ways to make these errors more useful but until then please ensure all your content adheres to Epic’s content guidelines. Thanks.
Hello goodnight. Please help me, my problem is the same as his but I didn’t understand what you explained him about, please is there a solution about this?
If you are missing the file shown, make a new project, copy that file from the new project, then open your project and paste it there. Finally, change the settings to reflect your project on it.