I cant move camera whitout "use pawn control rotation" activated [SOLVED]

Hello, my question is that im trying to do, is i have a camera attached to a Spline, like a rail.

When i control the camera, if i tick “use pawn control rotation” i can control de camera whit mouse inputs, but the camera wont follow the rail orientation. I tried to use update camera rotation whit event tick, but only works if “use pawn control rotation” is not ticked.

Its possible to have a camera attached to an Actor, and the camera follow the actor rotation and orientation (like GTA characters) and the if you move the mouse inputs, move the camera?

Thank you!

Hi Rockstar,

I just wanted to mention a good tutorial for moving cars/pawns/actors along a spline.

You can download the full project at the bottom of the tutorial.

Instead of “attaching a camera to a moving actor” think in terms of “attaching a pawn/character” (the pawn/character has a camera inside of it controlled by mouse)

Hope that helps!

Thank you AStrotronic, i will try the project, but actually that is what im doing, controlling a pawn whit a camera along the spline. But the camera wont follow the Spline orientation. Thats the problem. Thanks!

Tested and its the same problem in my project, the cam follow the player if you dont tick “Use Pawn Control Rotation”, but you cant rotate the camera whit the inputs. If you tick “Use Pawn Control Rotation”, you can move the camera, but the camera never updates the rotation of the pawn. If i update camera rotation whit a blueprint whit “event tick” wont work because “Use Pawn Control Rotation”. ;(

The correct answer is here!


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