I can't figure out the cause of this flickering

I’m trying to figure out what’s causing this issue, at a certain distance from the mesh it starts doing it, I tried everything from disabling lumen, shadows, anti aliasing and nothing seems to help.

Any ideas ? Thank you.
Here’s a test project with the issue.
TestProject.zip (48.4 KB)

Are the horizontal lines on the panels a texture? If so try messing with its mipmap ge eration setting. Reduced texture size with distance should make the effect less visible.

Anisotropic filtering can also help it the texture is at an angle.

Thanks for responding. The material has no textures just a simple color, it happens with and without textures.

This is the mesh.

Here’s a test project with the issue if you’re willing to take a look at it.
TestProject.zip (48.4 KB)

Thank you.

I think it’s just too complex geometry for unreal to resolve without flickering.

You could try changing the LOD swapping to change at a different rate. At the default load distance you sent LOD2 is enough (you can’t distinguish the steps at that distance and it doesn’t flicker)

Changing the anti-aliasing helps but only marginally.

For the lower LOD you could try perhaps baking in some shadows / ao and using mipmaps to still get some form of roof resemblence.

Using LODs is a good solution, the problem is I have this part of a larger nanite mesh so there’s no LODs and it’s doing the same thing, but maybe I can tweak the material or the mesh itself to avoid it.
