I was working in my project and all of the sudden the rendering just got screwed. It’s so weird that it’s hard to describe it.
This happened while I was working on an animation and left my pc for a while. When I came back there was this glitch in the animation viewport, and when I changed to the scene viewport the problem was worse.
I’m almost sure this has to do with rendering/ graphics, but have no clue where to even start debugging the issue.
Could use some help : )
Are none of the other vis modes working?
Hey @Hot_Devito!
This kind of looks like a fog issue. What happens if you disable that? Does restarting your editor/pc help at all?
Any additional info you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!
Doesn’t look like a GPU glitch, seen plenty. If you want to see some crazy stuff leave Dark Souls 2 on idle for a few hours . Did you enable a different lighting mode than “lit” ?
No, it was nothing related to view modes.
Although I didn’t quite understand how, the animation file I was working in got corrupted, and somehow it glitched the entire project.
What I did was just create a new project and migrate all the assets except for that animation.
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