Here is the log output:
After that I tried to compile in VS. I closed the editor and open .sln file. I’ve tried to build project but it also gave some errors.
What version of Visual Studio are you using? Additionally how did you add the MyCharacter and MyClass classes to the project? Was this done through the editor using the “New C++ Class” option or was it done directly inside Visual Studio? If you added them from VS, were the classes created as a C class or a C++ class?
Look at the last line of the VS log, It’s a permissions issue, one of your binary files is getting locked. Make sure every instance of unreal is shut down, restart the machine if you have to.
Happens to me usually when I have both the editor and VS open, the two don’t always communicate correctly and sometimes the editor doesn’t release all of the files.
Also double check your build setting at the top is set to Development Editor:
Finally, if all else is still failing, remove/rename the folders I have highlighted here:
(I personally delete the binaries, intermediate, and saved folders before every backup to reduce bloat.)
then right click on the uproject file and select Generate Solution