I cant call function from widget blueprint

i wanna call an animation from another blueprint on key pressed for debugging but I cant even call it for what ever reason.

  • does the widget get created? does it show up?
  • if you plop down a Print String node after Input Action, does it print?

i tested the input action and its not working why is that i did configure the input mappings

Annotation 2021-06-02 151822

What’s the parent class of the Master Blueprint (upper right corner)

its simple actor. this is where i create all of my functions and stuff

Input belongs in the Player Controller or Pawn. Input is also consumed so you do not accidently order 20 entities to perform the same action.

If you absolutely must use it in a regular actor:


It’s in the class defaults.

okay i tested the input in character blueprint and it works why is that so i saw someone elese code that was able to call input actions from actors

They’re hacks, and shouldn’t be allowed to post tuts :wink:

im taking notes from horror engine kit that has all of these functions but in this blueprint he’s able to call inputactions both from character and actors

See my answer above.

Just enable it in your actor if you must:

If you structure your game to take advantage of a custom system, it’s probably fine. Or could be even great. By default, the input priority looks like this and consumption is always on:


If your input-enabled Actor consumes input:


Neither the player controller, LB or Pawn can receive it. And it’s a good thing. It’s also a good thing to have it disabled in actors that don’t need it (99.99% of actors). And keep it all in one place only. Otherwise it’s gonna be messy and a little debugging nightmare.

still not working. and this thing is not even enabled in horror engine
Annotation 2021-06-02 153536

Shouldn’t that be Player 0?

Or, back to the other question, do you have more actors that use that Input?

no i just set it up right now to test the animation

Ensure it’s Player 0, Is this actor in the world? Are you using horror engine?

still not working. and this thing is not even enabled in horror engine

I don’t know that system works or what it is. Just commenting back on the native functionality of the engine. If you place an actor in the world with this:

It will print.

it works on player 0. and no im not using horror engine im trying to copy paste some of those functions to my own project bcz migrating brings whole lot of other ■■■■ that i dont need but somehow input actions work in horror engine without enabling input.

So is it working now?

somehow input actions work in horror engine without enabling input.

What is the parent class of that actor with all the input?

its an actor too.