I have a cape on my character, and the material applied to the cape has a fabric texture applied to it. When I apply this same material to other objects it shows the texture,
Would you mind showing me your material being applied to the character within your browser? Also here is a bit of documentation on applying cloth materials to your character within the “Persona” editor window.
Give this documentation a read and see if you might be overlooking something that allows you to apply this material to a cloth asset.
Ok no problem. Could I see how your material is set up in the editor? Maybe try scaling up the UVs of the texture so they are more apparent on a smaller mesh?
My material is very basic in the editor, I’m just feeding the texture into the base color. I have checked this texture on this mesh in maya and it appears exactly as expected.
Try adding a texture coordinate to the UV’s of your texture sample and see if that makes any difference. Increase the Mapping Scale to make the details of our texture sample more apparent.
Also it seems that it is being applied to your character correctly because the red color is showing. Add a normal map to get the detail on the surface and plug that into your texture coordinate as well.
I added the texture coordinate with no change, I imported the mesh as a static mesh and applied the material, and the texture showed up just fine. I posted a picture below.
Perhaps you are exporting and importing the asset incorrectly. I noticed within the documentation it says, “Importing an APEX object is the same as importing a FBX file. All APEX assets are exported as .apb or .apx, Unreal Editor will determine the type of APEX object being imported.”
I am assuming you exported your asset as a .apb or .apx file as your original file for the cloth asset?
I exported both the mesh and the apb file from maya with the plugin from nvidia. The cloth simulates cleanly, it’s just textures that are acting strangely.
I wanted to check in to see if you were still having issues? Apologies for my absence, I have been on Holiday break for a little bit.
It occurred to me that one thing you could check is the texture sample options. Double click the texture sample to open up the details panel for various options. Try changing the ‘Texture Group’ in which the texture sample is applied. In your case you will want to change it to ‘Character.’
Here is a screenshot you can use as reference to find the settings necessary for change.
This sounded like a promising answer, but after changing that property in the texture, still no change. Thanks for coming back to this problem. Sorry for the delay on my response.
I have another suggestion you might want to try. Try adding a normal map to your material and adding a ‘Texture Coordinate’ node. Be sure your material has the ‘Tangent Space Normal’ box checked.