Everytime I try to Aim, It just zooms in on the body of the person! PLZ HELP!
No one can read your mind; do consider attaching a screenshot of your Aim / Zoom mechanics - this will give us a chance to, at least, suggest something more tangible than “go watch a tutorial” - which is often, admittedly, unhelpful.
Sounds like you’re zooming a 3rd person camera that has its view centered on the character, by decreasing the FOV.
To begin solving your problem, think about how the camera is not moving, you’re just shrinking the area that it’s looking at while keeping that area spread out to fill the screen.
Since the camera is not actually moving to a point in front of the character, the character’s body will be blocking it the whole time. Technically it was blocking the camera before this too, just from further away so you could see what was going on around and in front of the character.
If you want your zoom to not be blocked by the character, consider hiding the character from its owner while zoomed, and/or moving the camera to be in front of the character.