I can not get SteeringCurve work. Its data is not saved. it’s default values.
if you add curve code in PostInitializeComponents(), it will work.
But not in Constructor of vehicle class.
Hey mylkrex-
Can you provide more information about the bug you’re reporting? Where are you trying to use SteeringCurve? How is your code setup? Can you post the code that you’re using? The more details you can give the easier it will be to investigate the problem.
You can just create a vehicle template project, the blue car, open sedan blueprint, modify the steeringcurve, no change…
Hey mylkrex-
I’ve reported the Steering Curve not affecting in-game turning (UE-18945) for investigation. For the time being I would change the amount of MoveRight Axis Value based on the speed to limit turn control at higher speeds as a workaround.