I am really struggling to find a way to create interactive smoke, in real time. Any ideas?

Hi there, I am looking to create a smoke FX which is interactive to the environment around it.

I found this from Artstation, which is basically want I want to make; however, I can’t figure out a way to create a behaviour similar. I have the look with basic smoke textures etc but I can’t make it interactive.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Isn’t it just interactive fog? But very locaized:

unfortunately not, this is just fog. It doesn’t react to the player or its surroundings. What he does in the video is use point force to push away the particles in middle, to represent the player colliding. It doesn’t actually collide with the player or its surroundings.

If you see in the link I sent the smoke can be moved by objects and stuff. This is what I am struggling with.

Many thanks, for your time and response though.

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I didn’t watch the vid, but I assume it was the concept as this sort of thing

( which I have, but can’t be bothered to look into, that’s why I got it :wink: )

This very definitely moves with objects.

hmmm, this is very interesting. I might buy it just to break it down. Thank you very much, I will keep looking into how I can it move and physically collide. Like a blend of volume and sprite Niagara.

Thanks for the help.

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Same question. How is it made? Thank you