I am having a problem with my sprint bar. When stop for the sprint bar to increase but start running again while it increases it also try's to decrease at the same time

It’s just not easy to code in this way. I think you’ve reached the limit of what you can do with booleans. Also, if you hold shift ( and don’t move ), it will still drain stamina :slight_smile:

Maybe try something a bit more like

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I haven’t seen that blueprint before what is it called?

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You can split pins open


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4b1277681833a35bacb478c5f9e5dd33fd9f99e2_2_690x123 (1)
Right now I am trying to get this part setup to see if this works

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4b1277681833a35bacb478c5f9e5dd33fd9f99e2_2_690x123 (2)
Last question I tried zooming in but can’t find out what these would be

They are variables :slight_smile:

Sorry phrased that wrong I mean what they say?

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If you click my diagram, it zooms in, no?

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Didn’t know I could zoom in :sweat_smile:

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Didn’t know a stamina bar can be so confusing but I think I messed up somewhere? Is there a stamina function I missed?


In your case, the function name would be ‘Stamina bar’

But I don’t have a function called stamina bar

I know it’s not actually a function, just put the name in there…

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The Stamina bar isn’t going down.
I would send a video but I am a new user would you like a slideshow?

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The name needs to be exactly the same. Maybe just change it to ‘Stamina’ for now.

( change both your event and the name in the begin play event )

You can also check it’s running with a print string.

You also have to set MinStamina and MaxStamina to sensible things.

I put it in a print string and its just spamming 100

Ok, can you show all the code in one pic now?

Is this what you want?

You’re printing a variable called ‘Staminas’, this does not feature in the code :slight_smile:

The ‘Stamina Amount’ is your new stamina variable, print that

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