I am having a problem with my sprint bar. When stop for the sprint bar to increase but start running again while it increases it also try's to decrease at the same time

You get it working?

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Sorry ran out of replys since I am a new user.
Yes that fixed my issue
2 problems but when fixed the whole stamina thing will be done.

  1. I can still sprint when it goes to 0
  2. I can’t get the stamina widget to work it just say I have zero stamina constantly.
    If I don’t reply I fell asleep
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  1. Is easy

  1. I don’t know, but I assume your widget is looking at the old stamina variable?


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It won’t let me sprint now the stamina amount is 100.
The problem with the widget is I don’t know what variable to link it with?

What variable do I cast to or do I make a new one?

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Make it a >= then :slight_smile:

The variable to monitor is ‘stamina amount’

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Stamina Amount still has it at zero.
And I changed it to >= I can sprint but still doesn’t stop me when it hits zero but also can’t sprint when the stamina is regenerating. Any ideas?

This is what I have now


The widget thing looks ok. Are you using BP_FPS_Character? ( does the cast work? )

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