I am getting black screen between rounds

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I use rounds and winning condition is based on score. I experience black screen up to 18 sec between rounds.

Steps to Reproduce

Launch map 8997-8037-5624
Wait for round to finish or win

Expected Result

No black screen between rounds

Observed Result

Black screen between rounds, long time before “starting game”



Island Code


The status of FORT-728371 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘To Do’.

Could this be the issue?

It is unlikely it is the same issue

  1. Camera is not used in this map
  2. Player is not eliminated ( I simply award score )

When you say certain island settings cause the issue, could you let me know which ones? I can check and let you know.

This is unrelated.

I also have black screen between rounds. Instead there should be loading screen.

Hey you two, could I get the platform you’re on? If PC, could I get your specs?

The provided video demonstrates the issue on PS5. It is a published map. I also observe it on Windows in the UEFN session Game mode.

I am not sure what should be shown instead of the black screen. I suspect it could be players in stasis in the sky for the most part. But it would be better to see something while waiting so that the wait does not seem so long. A nice loading screen might be good too.

Windows, pc

AMD 7950x3d
RTX 4080
64gb RAM at 6000mhz

Was QA not able to reproduce this issue? Don’t try it on empty island as it may be related to map size.

Players stuck in stasis doesn’t sound good. Some of them will leave thinking the map broke. We need a loading screen there! :smiley:

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This is what happens in every map 100% of time and no one leaves, you just spend time looking at your outfit.

This is also something that you see when spectating or in replays. I would not want to change the scope of this issue, it will be enough that the black screen is removed.

Thanks, both. I’ll report back to the devs.

Did they fix that black screen between rounds?

I can only test on Nintendo Switch at the moment and the issue is still there ( not fixed )

I’m seeing this quite often between rounds on all platforms. Black screen and long delay (maybe 15-30s) before next round starts (after the scoreboard countdown ends).
