Every beginner tutorial I see doesn’t even cover the problem that I am having trying to understand the logic behind putting codes together. The tutorial will say put these two nodes together and it would do something, and even when I ask for help people will just explain one node but doesn’t explain how that node affect the other nodes.
There is some kind of rule of code that I do not understand or know with Unreal Engine, or maybe I don’t understand what kind of math behind it, or even the way that information flow through the output or input of a node. I just need somebody to tell me what I’m missing so I can go look it up and understand the code that I’m having issue with better.
I know exactly what you mean, but I’m afraid the way to cope with it, is just to keep copying tutorials by rote, and eventually you will start to spontaneously combining them. Then you’re on the way.
After some time, you will start to find the logic. You sort of pick it up by osmosis.
Okay then what kind of tutorial that I should be looking at? I asked because every tutorial give a very simple explanation that doesn’t explain the big picture of the code. Every tutorial does this and I’m just going around in circles.
You need to pick a target. If I can just get the player to do this, or change levels and make a menu etc… Then just keep looking up tutorials on youtube that seem to fit the bill. And round again.
Sometimes you need a very specific tuut, other times, you might need a whole subject matter ( inventory comes to mind ). If the stuff you’re watching doesn’t make sense, pick someone else. More views doesn’t always mean a good tuut.
If you haven’t, a basic class in c++ is a great starting point. Beyond that the Coursera education platform offers college classes in unreal c++ programming if your willing to invest like 15/month to put yourself through it. Also check out Alamars Dev Domain on YouTube, has some great tutorials on building classes and systems in c++ and does a decent job of explaining what’s going on. But I think we call all relate…unreals documentation is extensive it’s kind of a constant learning game
Tutorials? What, like YouTube??? That’s a horrible way to learn. Always remember, tutorials are not the only way to learn. For some actually, they will NEVER be the way to learn EVER… Don’t know you, so can’t pretend to speak for whatever challenges you face ahead. But FWIW, understanding code is not so much about what one node does next to another. Its more about what a group or collection of nodes does together, and articulating that in a single-sentence simple piece of plain English.
BP for example behaves more like how electrical circuits works. So maybe you’d benefit from starting out with working projects / samples and taking them apart piece by piece. No more tutorials . So find a working template of a game you’d like to emulate, and just try disconnecting nodes randomly (isolating them), and see what breaks or what doesn’t work…
Clockwork hinted at repetition which is also important. So is doing this stuff in bite-size chunks and taking regular breaks and coming back to things later to see if you have an A-HA moment. Some people prefer to learn lines of code instead. A few beginners even prefer C++ over BP spaghetti. Lastly, an engine like Godot might also be a better starting point.
My target is to rotate a character around another character and Vis Agilis give me a really good code that I can study on. however, the way that Vis was explaining was helpful but some information didn’t translate well into code so I’m trying to figure out is there something that I’m missing.
That’s often one of the hardest areas to get your head around actually. Why? Its all about rotations, and rotations are often a mindf**k. Just stick at it, and trust that it will make sense in time. So believe you will understand it later and you will.
I also wanned to share my thoughts on this. I personally wouldn’t recommend modifying an existing project. There might be other things in the background overriding / interfering with your changes and it’d be a pain to figure out what it is since you’re not the one who made them!
@LoadCreator, to learn Unreal, I’d suggest starting a demo project where you set your own objectives. You can do some research whenever you come across an obstacle, and make use of tutorials online. This way you’d be forced to grasp the concept and implement to fit your use case, instead of copy & pasting which is what’s done while following complete project series.
It’s also worth mentioning that there’s absolutely nothing you can’t learn online about Unreal, same for learning C++ and Unreal C++. So I’d highly discourage purchasing a course. Sure there can be a severe lack of documentation on certain aspects but with some testing yourself, it’s really not an issue.
Oh and also, you can continue asking further questions on Discord for your older task.
Hope these help!
(Why does it seem like I specifically replied to another user I thought I just pressed the general reply button)
I was trying to learn game maker c++ and I did start to improve and understanding how code work. however, with my disability it took me… I want to say 3 or 4 months to finish it. imagine me going through 15 months. that’s the reason why I dropped that and went to Unreal Engine. the information that I learned from game maker did help me in unreal
that’s what I’m doing right now but I guess starting to do that is being very difficult because my mindset is not in the right place I think? I’m not really sure why I’m having a hard time not understand but something is definitely missing that I need to figure out.
yes I agree. copying code for somewhere else is going to create more problems in the future, that’s why I’m trying to understand the code that you gave me.
I thought we last ended our call with you saying everything was clear, but if something new popped up in your mind, you can continue to ask further questions either on Discord or the private messages on this platform. (Discord would be better for efficiency though)
Though I must add, if that task was your first ever objective, it’s not really a beginner task. So don’t go hard on yourself. If that’s the case, you can move on with other aspects of your demo project and come back to it later.
I say keep going You seem to be doing the right thing! Like others have already stated, there’s really no complete guide of Unreal. It just takes time and effort for things to get clear.
There are lots of free samples on FAB, but obviously you need to invest time to fine them.
Some are quite well commented… What type(s) of game(s) do you want to make anyway?
yeah that’s something that I know and I was thinking about that. however, if I figured this out learning code in UE would be so much better for me.
You keep saying things like “why I don’t understand” and I didn’t really feel good about that so I’m trying to figure out the reason “why I did not understand”. Sorry but I did not want to waste your time on something that wasn’t going to work out.
Yeah I understand and I kind of knew that, but I was hoping they were at least put me on the right direction or had me understand the very important things, but it didn’t even do that for me.
It’s cool, I didn’t want to sound mean if that’s your point. I don’t actually remember saying that, might have asked what exactly is the issue, but if I did, it might be because I didn’t have much to say after several repetitions. Please don’t think like you’re not capable of understanding. Like I said, if that was your first ever objective, you can move on with other tasks and get back to it when you get more comfortable with blueprints or C++. When you come back to it and still certain things aren’t completely clear, feel free to reach out either from here or Discord!
Also, don’t forget those visualizations I provided. They might be pretty useful to take a look at while reviewing the code. Wanned to add that as well since I remember your main issue was the functionality of certain nodes (or will be functions in C++ when you get to them) rather than the logic.
No worries, everyone rolls differently. But imho, dissecting working sample projects (mini-games) are the single most useful tool ever… Example: Community-Tools. Whereas Epic docs? Youtube tutorials? Unfortunately though as explained here, Epic let Community-Tools die which is such a waste.
Sounds interesting… For anyone else coming along in the future, maybe link to those (if they’re not behind a wall)…
@LoadCreator Last thing to keep in mind. Games aren’t really like real-life or really any other area of life or tech work. They are their own weird subculture quite separate from anything else that you’ll probably find yourself doing in life. So some areas will just take time to assimilate. So don’t be hard on yourself…
Oh no no, it’s not related to this topic. But sure, I’d still love to share Though I’d need to do it here since the said topic is closed. Here’s my related post for context, and this was one of the images I mentioned (the main explanation)