hwo to chnage projecz names without entering anything in the uefn editor

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



i could change the projectname with a not allowed letter “-” and now i want to know how to revert this change…
aka asking if anyone can help

Steps to Reproduce

change the project name with a forbidden letter

Expected Result

after saving xou cant opern the project anymore

Observed Result

cant open the Project (sucks)



Additional Notes

yeah dont change youre project name with forbidden letters

How’d you change the name ?

projects-> project settings → title
there xou can edit the title of youre project

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That’s a lethal bug…

Did you check-in changes before you did it, if you manually move your projects folder out of your Documents/Fortnite Projects folder with windows explorer, then you can open UEFN and download the last snapshot from Revision Control.

Hi @Vanni9

Can you provide more information about you renamed your project or any more specific reproduction steps you took to hit this issue?

But how do I open revision control without opening the project

If you move your project folder out of the Fortnite Projects folder to somewhere else, then when you open UEFN you will be able to download the last snapshot.