Huge visual glitch on viewport and camera preview

Im re-learning UE5 again (using 5.2.1) and since the start of this project im getting this huge visual glitch whenever I move or update anything on the scene. It changes its behaviour depending on the Anti-aliasing method selected, with some method it stops if I disable Blur, with others it stops after disabling “Separate Translucency”.

Any ideas on how to solve it? It happens even on a new blank project.

I have to NVIDIA 1080 graphic cards on SLI, but never had a problem on UE4, UE5.1 or any games at all.


It’s your GPU drivers.

Try either of these

  1. Get the latest drivers

  2. Get the most recent ‘studio’ drivers

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Installed both (first one, tested, then the other and tested) and it keeps happening :frowning:

How much RAM do you have on the GPU? What model is it?

Obviously you’ve tried restarting the editor?

Two GTX 1080 8GB, and yea several times hahaha

Hmm… I’m stumped.

I know the engine can only use one of those cards. I guess it could be one is dodgy.

There is a config command

r.GraphicsAdapter 0 ( or 1, 2 etc )

I’m guessing that goes in DefaultEditor.ini or DefaultEngine.ini

Eventually, maybe try swapping them over? ( it’s a longshot )

I tried the command, and with 0 I got the same results but with 1 it had to recompile all the shaders and once it opened, the editor was running at 7 fps tops and told me that I couldn’t activate the DirectX12 features (nanite, lumen), so I guess it used my CPU integrated graphics for that (no viewport bug tho hahaha)

I tried to disable all the multi-gpu related options on the Nvidia controll panel for the unreal editor (when I had SLI related issues on games like Destiny or MHW, that solved it) and still no luck.

PS: Do you know if I have to get rid of those shaders it compiled? are they occupying any “space” of sorts on my cpu? I have no idea about that

Thanks for trying to help me tho :')

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Hmm, out of ideas here…

The shaders are a sort of FIFO ( first in first out ) kind of storage. So there’s a fixed size, and they get replaced.

If the editor start compiling shaders, and you realize you don’t want that, you can just kill it from the task manager.

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Thanks for trying anyways :slight_smile:

I’ll keep working on my game and if I get too bothered by it Ill downgrade to another version, but ■■■■ this game engines are BIG…

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I’ve found a similar issue though a little different. In my case the viewport shrinks and offsets as if it were pushed by a glitch.
It happens to me from 5.3 and with some few projects

I’m pretty sure in my case it is a bug, because it happens from 5.3 and I have enough fps

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Same issue with updated studio drivers. Since Nov-Dec I noticed this issue, I just live with it but it’s starting to be annoying to work with animations.
My GPU is a 4090…

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Did anyone get a fix for this?, As I just started getting this, and it’s affecting my production…