I’m having a problem where when I play with 2 player for multiplayer, there is only one HUD spawned for one of the players.
The other player does not have it spawned. The weird thing though is that each time I restart the game, the HUD number on the only HUD that spawns increments by 2. Therefore I assume the engine knows there’s supposed to be another one, but where is it?
I set the HUD through my projectgamemode.cpp like this where the HUD is actually a blueprint that inherits from ZHUD which inherits from AHUD.
static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<AHUD>PlayerHUDObject(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/BP_ZHUD'"));
if (PlayerHUDObject.Class != NULL)
HUDClass = PlayerHUDObject.Class;